Voters in Egypt Cast Ballots on Draft Constitution

CAIRO — Egyptians voted on Saturday in a referendum on an Islamist-backed draft constitution, even as they doubted that the results would end three weeks of violence, division and distrust between the Islamists and their opponents over the ground rules of Egypt’s promised democracy.

By midmorning Saturday, long lines had formed outside polling stations around the capital and the country. Military officers were on hand to ensure security. Despite a new outbreak of fighting over the charter in Alexandria and opposition warnings of chaos, by late afternoon the streets were free of protests for the time in weeks. Many expressed their confidence in the integrity of the vote, but continued to criticize the process that produced the charter.

Even as they waited to cast their ballots, voters continued to spar. Some said that Egypt’s new Islamist leaders had unfairly steamrolled the charter over the objections of other parties and the Coptic Christian church; others blamed the Islamists opponents for refusing to negotiate in an effort to undermine democracy because it went against them. Many expressed discontent with political leaders on both sides of the fight.

“Neither group can accept its opposition,” said Ahmed Ibrahim, 40, a government clerk waiting to vote in a middle-class neighborhood in the Nasr City area. Whatever the outcome, he said, “one group in their hearts will feel wronged, and the other group will gloat over their victory, and so the wounds will remain.”

The referendum on a new constitution once promised to be a day when Egyptians realized the visions of democracy, pluralism and national unity that defined the 18-day-revolt against the former leader Hosni Mubarak. But then came nearly two years of a chaotic political transition, in which Islamists, liberals, leftists, the military and the courts all jockeyed for power over an ever-shifting timetable.

On Saturday, Egyptians voted on a rushed revision of the old Mubarak charter that many international experts faulted as a missed opportunity, stuffed broad statements about Egyptian identity but riddled with loopholes about the protection of rights.

Many voters waiting in line on Saturday said they rejected the exploitation of the emotional issue of religion by both sides: the Islamists who sought to frame the debate over the constitution as a debate over Islamic law, and opponents who accused President Mohamed Morsi and his Islamist allies in the Muslim Brotherhood of laying the groundwork for a theocracy.

“It is not about these emotional issues,” said Talan Hassaballah, a businessman waiting to vote in the Nasr City neighborhood. “I am going to vote no, but not because I disagree with the Muslim Brotherhood or the president.”

Like most who said they would vote against the referendum, he faulted its provisions on issues of “social justice,” like guarantees of human rights, workers’ rights and social services. “They are vague,” he said.

Egypt’s Christian minority, believed to make up about 10 percent of the population, were particularly critical during the the debate. Muslim satellite networks often faulted angry Christians for provoking violence, and Christians were surprised that the Islamists leaders of the constitutional assembly had pushed out the charter even after the official representatives of the Coptic Church had withdrawn in protest.

“The entire Christian community was offended,” Nagwa Albert, 56, said after she voted against the charter. Speaking of the Islamist leaders’ statements to rally support for the charter, she said: “It feels like the beginning of a war.”

In the Cairo neighborhood of Shubra, Muslim and Christian voters each took turns approaching journalists to try to contradict the group’s depiction of the constitutional debate. Sarwat Mikhail, a 53-year-old Christian, blamed Mr. Morsi for recklessly rushing to ratify the charter. “We still have not found someone who respects us, and fears for his people,” he said.

Nadra Mandoor, a 49-year-old Muslim lawyer next to him, insisted that her Christian neighbors misconstrued the charter. Opposition leaders, she said, “do not want the country to move forward,” she said. “Do we respect the dictatorship of the minority?”

Several Muslims voting against the referendum said they were offended at Friday Prayer by imams who had urged them to vote ‘yes’ in the name of religion. In Alexandria, one such appeal by an ultraconservative sheikh set off a street fight that injured more than a dozen people, until riot police broke it up with tear gas.

Mayy El-Sheikh and Mai Ayyad contributed reporting.

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